
How to get an Eyelid Surgery Done - howtouk

How to get an Eyelid Surgery Done

Today, many people are getting eyelid surgery to improve their appearance. Talking with a plastic surgeon is the best way to learn what type of surgery is best for you. Your plastic surgeon will take into consideration the amount of excess fat and skin that is in the eyelid area, the position of your eyebrows, and the condition of the muscles around your eyelids.

Eyelid surgery will be done in a hospital, an office, or a plastic surgery facility. When you arrive, you will be given local anesthesia and intravenous sedations prior to the eyelid surgery. Of course, the type of anesthesia used will be something you will need to discuss with your plastic surgeon. During the surgery you will have several monitors attached to your body to check your blood pressure, your heart, pulse, and the amount of oxygen that is flowing through you blood.


Upper eyelid surgery usually involved a small incision in the natural fold of the upper eyelid and outward to the outside corner all the way to the laugh lines or other creases. This incision will be used to remove the fatty tissue and excess skin. Since the incision follows the natural contour of the face, it is in most cases unnoticeable.

Lower eyelid surgery involves an incision just a tad below the lower lashes. This incision will be used to remove excess skin, muscle, and fatty tissue. In some cases, the fatty tissue may be moved around to eliminate bulges or that puffy look. Other problems like muscle laxity can also be performed at this time. Just like with the upper eyelid surgery, the incision follows the natural contour of the face it is in most cases unnoticeable.


After eyelid surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room for a short while. At first, your vision will be blurred. The reason for this is that during surgery an ointment was used to protect your eyes during surgery. Your eyes will also be a bit swollen which is normal after eyelid surgery. In most cases, individuals receiving eyelid surgery do not notice any discomfort or pain. According to your plastic surgeon, you may be able to go home after being observed for a few hours, while other surgeons may wish for you to spend the night to ensure that all is as expected.

In the majority of cases, eyelid surgery is done on an outpatient basis. You will need someone to go with you to drive you home and stay with you for at least the following 24 hours after surgery.


As with all surgeries, risks are involved. Complications with eyelid surgery is rare, however, they do occur. In most cases, the most common complication comes from the anesthetic and allergic reactions. Other complications that may occur include infection, changes in feeling, scarring, and damage to underlying structures, the need for more surgery, an accumulation of blood under the skin that may need to be removed, and disappointing results that may lead to more surgeries.

If you smoke, it is very important that you stop smoking long before your eyelid surgery. It would be in your best interest to talk with your plastic surgeon if you smoke, as you will know the best time to quit prior to the surgery. Smoking can cause problems in the healing. Another danger is for those that take aspirin. Aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs can increase bleeding, so you should also tell your plastic surgeon if you are taking any of these drugs prior to eyelid surgery.
Article Under Health & Fitness,  Surgeries
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