
How to choose interior lighting - howtouk

When decorating your home, the lighting is one of the most important aspects of the home. There are literally thousands of choices when it comes to the various styles and effects you can find for the lighting in your home. Every year more and more ideas are being created and are available on the market.

Living room 

For the living room, many people chose the standard table lamp or stand lamps. The newer designs of lamps are ones that allow you to hang them on the walls to give off a softer more gentle effect. They now have come out with lights that work like sunlight, which is easier on the eyes for reading and makes your room look like the sun is shining in.

Compact florescent bulbs are an added energy saver for many homes these days. The bulbs have been redesigned to fit almost every known socket on the market. Many living rooms have ceiling fans that have lights that are put in the center of the room. This lights up the entire room. For some people on the other hand, the table lamp is sufficient.

Kitchen/dining room 

The kitchen and dining room have been accented with track lighting for the kitchen area to show off the kitchen with a single track of light that can be turned to light up different accents like a picture or a special vase above the cabinets.
 Some use the recessed lighting for kitchens as well. Hidden, but gives off adequate lighting. The dining area has always been a hanging chandelier that hangs down over the table. Large or small they give off a beautiful array of sparkles throughout the dining area.


Hallways are usually the wall sconces that glow and are not very bright. Another option is recessed lights, as well. Then to be just plain Jane, you can always have the ceiling lights with the one huge globe.


The bathroom has always been to add beauty and the right lighting for a relaxing bath and enough to be able to put on makeup or shave. If you have a large bath then you can use several different types of lights for each section. Using softer lighting for the bath area and brighter for the sink area.


Bedrooms are usually the area of soft light. No bright lights in here. Small table lamps are usually what you will find. Now many people are using little sconces above the bed so they can read. Some have a ceiling fan with lights that are mainly used when first entering the bedroom and then turned off and the smaller softer lights are used.

No matter what type of lighting you have, the bulbs are lasting longer and longer. Some bulbs do not have to be changed for up to 7 years. They use less energy, produce less heat, and last 10-20 times longer than old-fashioned

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